Geekin’ On WDW 023: The Happy Episode About The Happiest Place In The World

It’s episode 23!  C’mon Get Happy and come with us as we go Geekin on Walt Disney World!
On episode 23 we talk about the science of happiness and why Walt Disney World is the happiest place on Earth.
Everybody’s got a laughing place
C’mon get happy
Why do we podcast?
  1. We take this WDW stuff seriously because vacations are important
  2. Let me share from my heart.  I love helping people. We’re here for YOU!
  3. We want you to have the best vacation and memories at WDW
  4. Remember your last trips and look forward to your next one through our experiences or guests we bring on the show
  5. Educate – learn you some stuff
  6. Entertain and bring you a smile
  7. We’re nice people and you can trust us
  8. We have a great team here at the Geekin’ On WDW studio.  Momma lurks the internet for all things WDW and Lindsay is the smartest daughter in the world with her insights on everything Disney including all the planning stuff.  I know how to produce a podcast.

Community stuff

Glen Kessler, “Fun and Relaxing” “Part of the Family”
Shout out to Jeanette Lynn who’s in WDW now and staying at Old Key West

Steve’s question about new Italian restaurant on the Boardwalk. When it opens.December. Get your ADR now!

Mama says:


Tower of Terror Video

Newly refurbished Captain Cook’s reopens at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort

Did you see the grinder picture?

Guitar Dan song “Margita and Curt”
Tip of the day:  Have everyone going on the trip write down their must do’s and then spend time discussing and planning for them.  Be deliberate.
Talk about Robin Williams and his performance as the Genie in Aladdin.


1. * Exercise more – 7 minutes might be enough

   My walking and runners can do marathons in WDW

2. Sleep more – you’ll be less sensitive to negative emotions

You can really sleep in WDW.

My father never understood this one. Dad said if you worked hard enough you’d sleep

3. Move closer to work – a short commute is worth more than a big house

Make things easier for yourself. Prioritize things that make you happy.

4. Spend time with friends and family – don’t regret it on your deathbed

5. Go outside – happiness is maximized at 13.9°C

warm weather makes you happy.  We had a rough winter.  Seasonal Affective Disorder

6. Help others – 100 hours a year is the magical number

7. Practice smiling – it can alleviate pain
8. Plan a trip – but don’t take one

9. Meditate – rewire your brain for happiness
    My morning routine. Dream of your vacation

10. Practice gratitude – increase both happiness and life satisfaction

Why is Disney World the happiest place? Top reasons

I was listening to our first episode where I sounded a bit awkward talking about what Disney World meant to me.  Sounded much better after we got into our reasons why we love WDW.
1) Dream come true – Reminds mom of 60’s 70’s when she was a little kid. Great sense of gratitude and thankful to have the opportunity to go
2) The music – It’s happy .  Dream theme
3) The Disney Characters
4) You can be a kid again and goof off
5) You can forget your troubles for a while
6) Cast members and other people are happy
7) It makes me happy when others are happy
8) You can have fun with your family
9) You’re on vacation with no work to do
10) If something doesn’t go right, Disney fixes it.
11) Amazing service; your happiness is their priority
12) Electricity in the air
Italian Restaurant Dec opening – Trattoria al Forno

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